Conservative County Councillor Bernie Muir has been leading the campaign to save Epsom's Wells Centre, and has welcomed a new community initiative - the Epsom Wells Community Association. Bernie has thrown her weight behind their efforts, which include a new website, a detailed survey and an exciting and comprehensive business plan for a community facility which will serve people of all ages.
“I just hope the Residents Associations which control the Borough Council will finally listen to what people are saying and take seriously what the Wells Community is proposing,” she says. “They should never have allowed this situation to arise in the first place. They ran the centre badly, and just abandoned it because they didn't know how to sort things out. They simply didn't understand that demolishing it would be a disaster. The Centre is needed to support a growing population, particularly as we come out of the pandemic when we need to strengthen our communities.”
To help Bernie with her campaign, go to @BernieMuirSCC or email [email protected].